分子式:C26H42O4 分子量:418.6 g/mol
Molecular Formula: C26H42O4; Molecular Weight: 418.6 g/mol
DINP为性能优良的通用型主增塑剂。本品与PVC相溶性好,即使大量使用也不会析出;挥发性、迁移性、无毒性均优于DOP,能赋予制品良好的耐光、耐热、耐老化和电绝缘性能,综合性能优于DOP。 由于本品生产的制品具有耐水耐抽出性能好、毒性低、耐老化、电绝缘性能优良,因此在玩具膜、电线、电缆中得到广泛应用。
DINP is general-purpose primary plasticizing agent with excellent performance. This product is of good intermiscibility with PVC, and will not dissolve out even when used in large quantity; its volatility, migration and nontoxicity are better than that of DOP, hence will endow the goods with good light-resistance, heat-resistance, ageing-resistance and electric insulativity, and its comprehensive performance is better than that of DOP. As goods make of this product is of good water extraction resistance, low toxic, ageing-resistant and excellent electric insulativity, it is widely used for the toy film, wires and cables.
产品质量指标(Q/320583 WGF 004-2009):
项 目 |
指标 |
检测方法 |
色度(铂-钴号) |
≤30 |
GB/T 1664 |
酸值(mgKOH/g) |
≤0.05 |
GB/T 1668 |
密度(20℃),g/cm3 |
0.970-0.980 |
GB/T 4472 |
水份,% |
≤0.1 |
GB 11133 |
闪点,℃ |
≥210 |
GB 1671 |
酯含量,% |
≥99.5 |
GC |
折光率(20℃) |
1.484-1.488 |
GB 1657 |
加热减量,% |
≤0.15 |
GB/T 1669 |
销售热线:0512-57311858 招聘热线:0512-57372127 传真:0512-57369080 邮箱:szf@kshfc.com 地址:江苏省昆山市千灯镇黄浦江南路路2046号